The New Kids on the Block

Updating Personal Arrangements

We’re over twenty years into the twenty-first century, and we’re here to take the bridal party floral arrangements from decades past to the modern era. Read below for our top three updates:

The Old:

Traditional Boutonnieres

The New:

Floral Pocket Square

Gone are the days of pin-marked lapels and oversized roses - the latest and greatest arrangements for our jacket-wearing members of the bridal party are floral pocket squares. Rather than being pinned to the lapel- which could mean twisting, uneven heights, or worse- losing the boutonniere all together due to poor pinning! The floral pocket square tucks into the breast pocket of the jacket, which gives a perfect fit everytime, with low risk of losing the florals due to faulty pins. This modern approach also allows for more horizontal space to display flowers, allowing for a more artistic arrangement. 

(picture credit: flourishflowerfarm)


The Old:

Wrist Corsages

The New:

Posy Bouquets

What is this- prom?! Rather than wearing an arrangement of flowers on the wrist all evening, which could lead to breakage and a tired wrist by the end of the evening. A posy bouquet is designed to fit comfortably in a single hand without strain on the wrist. Posy bouquets also typically look more cohesive with the rest of the bridal party, ensuring moms and grandmas blend seamlessly for photos. The best part? You can set the bouquet down to hit the dance floor or dine at the buffet.

(picture credit:  fdellitdesigns)

The Old:

Arch Sprays

The New:

Grounded Arch & Nest Arrangements

While a wedding arch is a beautiful way to surround the wedded couple and frame the bridal party, if you’re looking for that extra visual impact, consider a grounded floral arrangement to frame the ceremony. A dual post-grounded arch will serve to frame the newlyweds vertically, where a floral nest will surround the couple with a garden-like crescent of blooms and greenery. 

(picture credit: spencerlucasphoto) 


Wedding Recap: